
Year 1

Normally students will be in residence at SDSU to complete three 15-week lab rotations, and to undertake course work as indicated by the Executive Committee. The rotation laboratory will be determined by the student, the Executive Committee, and the PI of the laboratory. Selection of the lab will be dependent on:

  • Student research interests
  • Availability of lab space
  • Availability of research support in that laboratory

To ensure well-rounded pre-dissertation lab exposure, the student will be advised to undertake at least one lab rotation clearly outside the indicated field of interest. The rotation will consist of a well-defined research project to be carried out by the student. Results of the project will be presented in mini-seminar fashion by the student at the end of the rotation period.

It is suggested but not required that all first year students enroll in Molecular Biology 610. It is to the student’s advantage to acquire a well-rounded background in cell and molecular biology; thus, some courses outside the student’s indicated research interests may also be advised. Additionally, each student will be expected to participate actively in Journal Clubs and Research Seminars throughout their entire time at SDSU.

Teaching assistant assignments will be made through the Biology Department and level of teaching involvement is dependent upon the source of the student’s stipend.

At the end of the first academic year the student will indicate to the Executive Committee his/her choices for a Dissertation Advisor. In close consultation with the student and potential Dissertation Advisor, the Executive Committee will then determine the feasibility of the selection based on several criteria including

  • Space in the prospective lab
  • Correlation of student and faculty research interests
  • Appropriate student preparation to undertake work in the laboratory of choice

After acceptance in a dissertation lab, the student will spend the summer between the first and second years beginning dissertation research.

Year 2

Normally, students will be taking courses primarily at UC San Diego carrying out a combination of course work (e.g. Biology 221, 222, 223) and/or research laboratory rotations. In conjunction with the Executive Committee, the Dissertation Advisor and student will determine how best to spend the UC San Diego residence year. Residency can be undertaken during later years, if this better suits the needs of the student. Also during year 2 the student will be expected to continue dissertation research at SDSU. Subsequent to the completion of the second year the student should be in a position to successfully complete the Qualifying Exam.

During the summer between years 2 and 3 the student will continue dissertation research.

Years 3 and all Subsequent Years

The Oral Qualifying Exam must be taken by the end of the Fall semester of the third year. Upon successful completion of this exam, the student will be advanced to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree. The remainder of the program will involve full time dissertation research. Dissertation research will continue throughout subsequent years until completion, as judged by the Dissertation Committee of which the Dissertation Advisor is the Chair. Generally, completion of dissertation research is indicated by the completion of an original research project and includes publication of at least two full length research papers in first-rate refereed journals with the candidate appearing as first author. At this point, the research is written up by the candidate. Award of the degree requires acceptance of the manuscript by the Dissertation Committee and successful Department wide defense of the dissertation. The Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Biology will be awarded jointly by the Regents of the University of California and the Trustees of the California State University, in the names of both cooperating institutions.

NOTE: UC San Diego enforces a seven year limit to enrollment for the Ph.D.