Through the SDSU and UC Davis Ecology curricula, students study a broad range of ecological subjects, including theoretical ecology, human ecology, and physical-chemical ecology.

During their first year, Joint Doctoral Program in Ecology (JDPE) students are required to choose an Area of Emphasis (AOE). Students must take courses required of all UC Davis Ecology students, including Principle and Application of Ecological Theory (Ecology 200A and 200B), 3 ecology seminars (ECL 290s), Ecology and Evolution seminar (ECL 296), and ecology and evolution field courses.

Typically, students take Principles of Ecology (BIOL 645/745) at SDSU during their first year instead of equivalent courses at UC Davis (ECL 200A/200B). Students enroll in 3 Ecology Seminars (ECL290s).

These are the Ecology and Evolution Seminar (ECL296), equivalent Seminars at SDSU, and other ecology courses at UC Davis during their second year. In addition to meeting these requirements, each student’s courses will be determined by an Advising Committee during the first year.

Once coursework has been completed (typically at the end of Year 2), students must take a Qualifying Exam. The Qualifying Examination Committee (which includes five faculty members, at least two from SDSU and two from UC Davis) judges the student’s readiness for advancement to candidacy by administering an oral examination.

In addition to the above requirements (filing program of study, residency on both campuses, coursework, written dissertation proposal, successful qualifying exam, and annual progress reports), Students must formulate and carry out original research that results in a dissertation.

The final step to completing the degree is submitting the dissertation to the student’s Dissertation Committee for approval and an exit dissertation seminar.

Links to required forms can be found on the UC Davis Graduate Studies Forms Page.