Closeup of Xavius Boone

Xavius Boone, B.S.

Pronouns: he, him

Doctoral Student

SDSU / UC Davis Joint Doctoral Program in Ecology

San Diego

PS 142
5500 Campanile Dr
San Diego, CA, 92182
Mail Code

Areas of Research

Estuarine Fish, Ecosystem Restoration and Management


My primary research interests are estuarine fish population dynamics and habitat use patterns, as well as understanding how land management decisions and access to nature influence the relationships the general public forms with local nature.


  1. B.S. in Ecological Management and Restoration
    University of California, Davis
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  1. Ecological Society of America Conference (ESA): Poster presentation – Xavius Boone and Jeremy Long, Analyzing Seasonal Shifts in southern California Estuarine Fish Habitat Use
  2. California Estuarine Research Society (CAERS) Annual Meeting: Poster presentation – Xavius Boone and Jeremy Long, Analyzing Seasonal Shifts in southern California Estuarine Fish Habitat Use
  3. ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting: Poster presentation – Boone, X., Ritger, A., and Stier, A. Urchin Starvation State May Amplify the Positive Interaction Between Corynactis californica and Macroalgae
  4. Western Society of Naturalists: Poster presentation – Boone, X., Ritger, A., and Stier, A. Urchin Starvation State May Amplify the Positive Interaction Between Corynactis californica and Macroalgae
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  1. COAST Graduate Scholar: Awarded the COAST Dr. Kenneth H. Coale Graduate Scholar Award
  2. UGF Fellow: Awarded the University Graduate Fellowship at San Diego State University
  3. GRFP Fellow: Awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship worth
Clinical Trials
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Awards & Honors
  1. Best Student Poster Presentation Award at CAERS annual meeting 2024
Patents & Copyrights
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Fun Facts
  1. My favorite thing to do in my free time is to go fishing on my kayak!