Closeup of Michael Tofflemire

Michael Tofflemire, B.S.

Pronouns: Michael

Doctoral Student

SDSU / UC Riverside Joint Doctoral Program in Evolutionary Biology

San Diego

LSN 233
5500 Campanile Dr
San Diego, CA, 92182
Mail Code

Areas of Research

Evolutionary Diversification, Population Genomics, Biogeography, Phylogeography, Statistical Modeling


I am a fifth-year PhD student in the Evolutionary Biology Joint Doctoral Program with San Diego State University and the University of California Riverside.

Currently, I am conducting research in the Dr. Kevin Burns lab where I study avian population genomics. Broadly speaking, I am interested in understanding how evolutionary processes drive diversification patterns in western North American avifauna.


  1. B.S. in Evolution, Ecology, and Conservation
    University of Washington, Seattle
  1. Tofflemire, M. A., Epperly, K. L., Burns, K. J., & Klicka, J. (2024). Integrative phylogeography and ecological niche analysis reveal insight into the evolutionary history and taxonomy of the Black-throated Gray Warbler (Setophaga nigrescens). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 136(2), 143-165.
  1. Tofflemire, A. Michael. (2024). Whole genome phylogeography of the Wrentit (Chamaea fasciata). Western Field Ornithologists (WFO) Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, USA.
  2. Tofflemire, A. Michael. (2024). Whole genome phylogeography of the Wrentit (Chamaea fasciata). American Ornithological Society (AOS) Annual Meeting. Estes Park, CO, USA.
  3. Tofflemire, A. Michael. (2021). Combining genetic, morphological and ecological-niche modeling methods to assess range-wide biogeographic patterns & the evolutionary history of (Setophaga nigrescens). American Ornithological Society (AOS) Virtual Meeting.
  4. Tofflemire, Michael A. (2018). Genetic structure and biogeography of the Black- throated Gray Warbler (Setophaga nigrescens) in Western North America. Independent research presented at the 2018 University of Washington Undergraduate Research Symposium.
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Clinical Trials
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Awards & Honors
  1. SSB Graduate Student Research Award. Society of Systematic Biology. 2022. $3000.
  2. Research Award, American Ornithological Society. 2022. $2500.
  3. Frank M. Chapman Award. American Museum of Natural History. 2022. $3000.
  4. Ralph W. Schreiber Ornithological Research Award. Los Angeles Audubon Society. 2021. $1500.
Patents & Copyrights
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Fun Facts
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