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Evolutionary Biology PhD Program


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JDP 1 Form: Admission to the PhD Program. Fill out the form and obtain signatures from SDSU JDP EB Program Coordinator (currently Annalisa Berta) and UCR JDP EB Graduate Advisor (currently Cheryl Hayashi).

JDP 2 Form: Nomination of the Doctoral Committee for Qualifying Examinations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Evolutionary Biology.  Fill out the form and e-mail to Brenda Godinez for processing.

Addendum to JDP 2 Form: Report of Program Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Evolutionary Biology.  Fill out form, obtain advisor's signature, and e-mail to Brenda Godinez.

JDP 3 Form: Report of the Qualifying Examination and Advancement to Candidacy Committee For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Evolutionary Biology.  Fill out the form and obtain your committee members’ and SDSU JDP EB Coordinator’s signatures on the day of your Qualifying Exam.  Obtain UCR JDP EB Advisor’s signature and then pay the fee at the UCR Cashier’s Office.  Return form to Medora Bratlien in LS 102 for processing.

JDP 4 Form: Nomination of the Doctoral Dissertation Committee for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Evolutionary Biology.  Fill out the form and return to Medora Bratlien in LS 102 for processing.  *NOTE:  This form only needs to be completed if your committee membership has changed.

JDP 5 Form:  Report of the Final Examination and Filing of the Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Evolutionary Biology.  Fill out the form and obtain your committee members’ and Annalisa Berta signatures on the day of your Dissertation Defense. Obtain UCR JDP EB Advisor’s signature. Take form to your final appointment with UCR Office of Graduate Studies. 

JDP 6 Form:  Annual Progress Report; report of research progress. Fill out the form, obtain committee and advisors' signatures, and e-mail to Brenda Godinez.

NOTE:  Due to delays in the graduate offices, the appointment process often takes UP TO two months. Thus, to assure the committee is appropriately appointed prior to a qualifying exam or dissertation defense, it is essential that the student begin this process well in advance.