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   Evolutionary Biology
   at San Diego State University

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                  Undergraduate Programs in Evolutionary Biology

The Department of Biology at San Diego State University offers both a major and minor degree in Biology. Among the breadth of Biology undergraduate courses, many are sponsored and taught by faculty in Evolutionary Biology. In particular, Evolutionary Biology faculty teach many of the upper division courses in organismal biology, such as ornithology, herpetology, mammalogy, terrestrial arthropods, and several courses in plant biology.

Biology majors and minors may choose to specialize their coursework in an "emphasis." Each emphasis contains a customized set of upper division classes that focus on a particular field within Biology. The Evolutionary Biology program area sponsors two emphases for majors and minors:

1) Emphasis in Evolution and Systematics
2) Emphasis in Zoology

Further information on the emphases is available from the links on the left.