Research Interests:
Marine invertebrates, benthic ecology, larval ecology, complex life cycles, ontogenetic niche shifts, organism-flow interactions. Lower Division, Upper Division, and Graduate Courses:
Biol 201B:Principles of Organismal Biology (LD)
Biol 515: Marine Invertebrate Biology (UD/G) Biol 596: Marine Larval Ecology Part 1 (Fall semesters, UD/G) Biol 596: Marine Larval Ecology Part 2 (Spring semesters, UD/G)
Biol 324: Life in the Sea (UD, Non-Majors)
Biol 600: Graduate Seminar in Aquatic Ecology, “Complex Life Cycles of Aquatic Animals” (Spring 2003)
Biol 600: Graduate Seminar in Aquatic Ecology, “Marine Community Ecology” (Spring 2004)
Graduate Students:
Shelby Howard (M.S. completed 2004), Susan Kevin (M.S. completed 2006), Amy Larson (Ph.D. expected May 2007), Henry Carson (Ph.D.),
Linsey Sala (M.S.)
Select Publications:
1SDSU Ph.D. student 2SDSU M.S. student 3SDSU undergraduate
1Carson, H.S., and B.T. Hentschel. 2006. Estimating the dispersal potential of polychaete species in the Southern California Bight: Implications for designing marine reserves. Marine Ecology Progress Series 316: 105-113.
Hentschel, B.T., and N.S. Harper3. 2006. Effects of simulated sublethal predation on the growth and regeneration rates of a spionid polychaete in laboratory flumes. Marine Biology 149: 1175-1183.
Hentschel, B.T., and A.A. Larson1. 2006. Hydrodynamic mediation of density-dependent growth and adult-juvenile interactions of a spionid polychaete. Limnology & Oceanography 51: 1031-1037.
2Howard, S.C., and B.T. Hentschel. 2005. Effects of short-term food variability on the plasticity of age and size at metamorphosis of porcelain crab larvae. Limnology & Oceanography 50: 1960-1971.
Hentschel, B.T., and B.S. Herrick3. 2005. Growth rates of interface-feeding spionid polychaetes in simulated tidal currents. Journal of Marine Research 63: 983-999.
Hentschel, B.T., and A.A. Larson1. 2005. Growth rates of interface-feeding polychaetes: Combined effects of flow speed and suspended food concentration. Marine Ecology Progress Series 293: 119-129
Hentschel, B.T. 2004. Sediment resuspension and boundary-layer flow dramatically enhance the growth rates of interface-feeding spionid polychaetes. Journal of Marine Systems 49: 209-224. (Invited paper for a special issue on “Biophysical factors affecting
the growth and survival of aquatic organisms”).
Hentschel, B.T., and R.B. Emlet. 2000. Metamorphosis of barnacle nauplii: Effects of food variability and a comparison with amphibian models. Ecology 81:3495-3508.
Hentschel, B.T. 1999. Complex life cycles in a variable environment: Predicting when the timing of metamorphosis shifts from resource dependent to developmentally fixed. American Naturalist 154: 549-558.
Hentschel, B.T. 1998. Intraspecific variations in delta-13C indicate ontogenetic diet changes in deposit-feeding polychaetes. Ecology 79:1357-1370.
Hentschel, B.T. 1998. Spectrofluorometric quantification of neutral and polar lipids suggests a food-related recruitment bottleneck for juveniles of a deposit-feeding polychaete population. Limnology & Oceanography 43: 543-549.
Hentschel, B.T., and P.A. Jumars. 1994. In situ chemical inhibition of benthic diatom growth affects recruitment of competing, permanent and temporary meiofauna. Limnology & Oceanography 39: 816-838.