Provide Examples of the Relation Between Form and Function in Biology
Biology students should be able to provide examples of the relation between form and function in biology, as expressed in molecular, cellular, and whole-organism physiology.

Compare and Contrast the Major Cellular Processes in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes
Biology students should be able to compare and contrast the major cellular processes in eukaryotes and prokaryotes.

Explain How Genetic Information is Stored and Transmitted
Biology students should be able to explain how genetic information is transmitted, and the relationship between genetics and evolution.

Compare and Contrast the Primary Mechanisms of Evolutionary Diversification
Biology graduates should be able to describe the relationship between genetics and evolution, and interpret biological data in terms of the evolutionary processes that control the generation and loss of biological diversity.

Categorize the Diversity of Life in Terms of the Phylogenetic Relationships Among the Major Organismal Groups
Biology students should be able to categorize the diversity of life in terms of the phylogenetic relationships among the major organismal groups.

Describe Ecological Interactions and their Consequences
Biology students should be able to describe how interactions among organisms and their environment influence populations, communities, and ecosystem function.

Quantitatively Answer Biological Questions
Biology students should be able to quantitatively answer biological questions. This reflects their ability to use mathematics, modeling, and statistics to aid in data evaluation and interpretation.

Conduct and Interpret Experiments Using Common Lab and Field Techniques
Biology students should be able to design, conduct, and interpret experiments using common biological lab and field techniques.

Effectively and Concisely Present Scientific Ideas and the Results of Scientific Research in Written and Oral Form
Biology students should be able to effectively and concisely present scientific ideas and the results of scientific research in written and oral form.

Critique and Summarize Scientific Papers
Biology students should be able to critique scientific papers, as demonstrated by written or oral summaries of hypotheses, methodology, and conclusions.