Minor in Biology

Students interested in studying an interesting and relevant subject that complements their other areas of study are encouraged to apply for a minor in biology. Students majoring in chemistry, anthropology, ecology, business administration, and other fields can find great value through this interdisciplinary study. Students will enjoy an enriched academic experience through the dual application of their major and the topics studied in biology courses. If interested, consult the Undergraduate Advising page as to how to book an appointment with an advisor.

General Biology

The general biology minor is for students wanting flexibility in their area of study or students who are unsure about their future career path as a biologist. Students in the general biology minor can study all of the branches and sub-disciplines within biology, including ecology, zoology, and evolutionary biology. 

Course Catalog:

Cellular and Molecular Biology

Cell and molecular biology focuses on the mechanisms and functions of basic biological processes. This minor explores a wide range of disciplinary boundaries, including genetics, chemistry, and cell biology.

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Ecology focuses on the ways organisms and their environment interact with each other and sustain themselves. The ecology minor offers students a broad overview of the biological sciences that are sought after in research, teaching, or public relations and administration for private companies or governmental departments.

Course Catalog:

Evolutionary Biology

Evolutionary biology focuses on the evolutionary relationships between organisms and the processes that drive evolution. Students will explore a variety of topics and concepts, including mating systems, drift, gene flow, and natural selection. Through systematics, students will study a group of organisms to determine their evolutionary relationships (phylogeny), clarify their classification, and assess trends in ecology, biogeography, and evolutionary processes.

Course Catalog:

giant seaweed underwater.

Marine Biology

The focal point of marine biology is life in oceanic habitats. Students with a passion for studying marine life and the ocean and who want hands-on experience are encouraged to apply. A biology minor with an emphasis in marine biology aids students interested in field and laboratory technician positions, research positions, and resource development/management, both in the private and public sectors. 

Course Catalog:

Seven test tubes holding six green plant specimens and one yellow plant specimen.

Plant Biology

Plant biology is a sub-discipline of biology concerned with the study of plants. Questions ranging from the genetic relationships between plant species, where spices of flowers grow, and the evolutionary patterns of plant species are engaged with and examined in labs and lectures. Students can also learn about topics such as plant taxonomy or plant ecology.

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