Zimri Mena
Program: Master’s Program in Cell and Molecular Biology
Date: Monday, October 28, 2024
Time: 2:30 PM
Location: LS 101 Conference Room
Zoom: https://sdsu.zoom.us/j/7896345097
Committee Members
- Dr. Cristal Zuniga, Chair (Biology)
- Dr. Angelica Riestra (Biology)
- Dr. Maya Capelson (Biology)
- Dr. Changqi Liu (Exercise and Nutritional Science)
Drug resistance amongst parasitic organisms remains a significant medical concern due to rising rates of trichomoniasis infections across different ethnic communities in the United States. Novel approaches to combat parasitic pathogens are being created to decrease rising trichomoniasis infectious rates. Therefore, given that there are limited broad-spectrum anti-parasitics to treat the infection, it would be interesting to understand how Trichomonas vaginalis (Tv) is able to stay fit in different environmental stressors.
Environmental conditions being assessed include both carbon sources, as well as nitrogen sources to see how well Tv can live in those conditions. Tv simulations were conducted using bioinformatics tools in-silico and were later validated in-vitro to confirm results. By using genomic, proteomic, and omics data, this study aims to manually curate the metabolic network of Tv.
Genome scale metabolic models (GEM’s) are computational models that map the metabolic network of reactions that occur in-silico, then they are validated in-vitro to confirm these reactions are taking place. GEM’s are constraint based models that identify stoichiometric limitations of a biological organism in-silico.
By constructing a GEM for Tv, we can localize critical organelles that maintain the organism alive and assess the environmental conditions that are significant for maintaining its genotype and phenotype. Tv metabolic network can be useful to scientists that are using translational research to create novel targeted therapeutics to treat parasitic infections. We use a computational environment where we can control which nutrients or environmental conditions Tv is exposed to, and we test which constraints can the organism maintain its growth.
We identified that Tv can grow and metabolize the following carbon substrates: maltotriose, L-lyxose, Bromosuccinic acids, Tween 20, Tween 40, D-Ribose, D,L malic acid, maltose, L-Arabinose, and D-Xylose. This paper will focus on the construction and completion of Trichomonas vaginalis metabolic model.