About Marine Biology

San Diego State University offers a Bachelor of Science in Biology with an emphasis in Marine Biology. This program provides students with an education in marine ecosystems, focusing on marine ecology, evolutionary biology, and the physical sciences. Core courses include cell and molecular biology, ecology, and organismal biology, with hands-on lab and fieldwork integrated into the curriculum. The Coastal and Marine Institute (CMI) plays a key role, offering valuable research opportunities in San Diego Bay and surrounding coastal environments, helping students develop skills in applied and theoretical marine sciences. Graduates are well-prepared for careers in marine biology, environmental science, or further graduate study.

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      Brian Hentschel, Ph.D.

      Associate Professor of Biology

      Department of Biology

      Marine Invertebrates, Benthic Ecology, Complex Life Cycles, Ontogenetic Nicheshifts, Larval Ecology, Deposit Feeding, Organism-Flow Interactions

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      Kevin Hovel, Ph.D.

      Assistant Chair
      Director of Undergraduate Advising and Curriculum
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      Department of Biology

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      Chun-Ta Lai, Ph.D.

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      Rebecca Lewison, Ph.D.

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      Jeremy Long, Ph.D.

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      Closeup of Luke Miller

      Luke Miller, Ph.D.

      Associate Professor of Biology

      Department of Biology

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      San Diego

      Closeup of Forest Rohwer

      Forest Rohwer, Ph.D.

      Professor of Biology

      Department of Biology

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      San Diego

      Closeup of Catherine Schrankel

      Catherine Schrankel, Ph.D.

      Assistant Professor of Biology

      Department of Biology

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      San Diego