Upcoming Seminar

Expanding the Chemical Space of Cellular Protein Translation
Ahmed H. Badran, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Departments of Chemistry and of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology
Scripps Research Institute
Ahmed H. Badran is an Assistant Professor in the Departments of Chemistry and of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology at the Scripps Research Institute. Badran’s research leverages the programmability of biological systems and uncovers next-generation strategies to address pressing global problems.
Badran’s major research interests include engineering and deployment of carbon-capturing enzymes to address climate change; discovery and optimization of pathogen-specific antimicrobials to curb widespread bacterial resistance; development of new-to-nature catalysts that bridge the scope of synthetic chemistry transformations with programmability of biology; and pioneering novel bioactive modalities to therapeutically intervene in diverse disease states.
Thursday, November 21, 2024 • 4:00 PM
Donald P. Shiley BioScience Center
Alan & Debbie Gold Auditorium for the Life Sciences
Dr. Elizabeth Waters
Department of Biology • Professor