Arun Sethuraman, Ph.D
Pronouns: Arun
Evolutionary Biology Program Area Chair
Associate Professor of Biology
College of Sciences
Department of Biology
San Diego
- asethuraman@sdsu.edu
- Phone
- 619-594-3979
- Office Hours
By Appointment
- Location
5500 Campanile Dr
San Diego, CA 92182 - Mail Code
- 4614
- Fax
- Links
- Accounts
Areas of Expertise
Population Genetics/Genomics, Evolution, Bioinformatics, Speciation, Phylogeography, Phylogenetics, Conservation, Biological Control, Human Evolution, Developing Statistical Methods, Software, Pipelines for Estimating Evolutionary History From Population Genomic Data
Student Opportunities
Dr. Sethuraman is an evolutionary computational biologist, who develops new statistical methods to study how genomes evolve in structured populations during divergence and speciation in response to natural selection and demography. Applications of his work include conservation, deciphering human evolutionary history, agriculture, and biological control. Outside the lab, he loves to CrossFit, and spoiling his two cats Hobbes and Pepper.