Michael Simpson, Ph.D.
Pronouns: Mike
Professor Emeritus
Co-Curator, SDSU Herbarium
Manager, SDSU Mediterranean Garden
College of Sciences
Department Of Biology
Evolutionary Biology
Del Mar
- msimpson@sdsu.edu
- Phone
- 619-594-8012
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By Appointment
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Areas of Expertise
Systematics of Land Plants, American Amphitropic Disjuncts, Discovery and Delimitation of Plant Species, Floristics
Michael Simpson works for the Department of Biology within the College of Sciences at the San Diego campus as a Professor Emeritus.
- [COURSE 1 – Title]
- [COURSE 2 – Title]
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- Ph.D.
Duke University - M.S.
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill - B.S.
University of Florida
- Moroni, P. and M. G. Simpson. 2023a. Flora Argentina: Cryptantha (Boraginaceae).
- Simpson, M. G. and L. Gross. 2023. Noteworthy Collection: Cryptantha crassisepala (Torrey & A.Gray) Greene var. elachantha I.M.Johnston.
- Simpson, M. G., R. Vanderhoff, J. Bailey, F. Roberts, M. Mulligan, J. P. Rebman, N. Walsh, and M. Koekemoer. 2023. Taxonomic identity of a recently naturalized Senecio species in California.
- Moroni, P. and M. G. Simpson. 2022. Revisión taxonómica del genero Johnstonella (Boraginaceae s. str.) en la Argentina. Darwiniana Nueva Serie 10:260–270.
- Rebman, J. P. and M. G. Simpson. 2022. Three new species of Cryptantha (Boraginaceae) from the Southern Channel Islands of California.
- Simpson, M. G., K. Hasenstab-Lehman, M. Mabry, and M. Muñoz. 2022. Johnstonella punensis (Boraginaceae), a new species endemic to the dry Puna of Chile.
- Moroni, P., A. Martínez, and M. G. Simpson. 2021. Nomenclatural revision of Cryptantha (Boraginaceae s. str.) names linked to South American taxa.
- Simpson, M. G. and J. P. Rebman. 2021. Research in Boraginaceae: A new variety of Cryptantha maritima, Cryptantha pondii resurrected, and Johnstonella echinosepala transferred back to Cryptantha.
- Simpson, M. G. and J. P. Rebman. 2021. A new species of Cryptantha restricted to dunes in northwestern Baja California, Mexico.
- Simpson, M. G. and R. B. Kelley. 2020. Cryptantha. Pp. 394-403 in T. J. Stephen C. Meyers, Katie E. Mitchell, Tanya Harvey & Linda K. Hardison (ed.), Flora of Oregon. Volume 2: Dicots A-F. Brit Press, Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Fort Worth, Texas.
- Simpson, M. G. and R. B. Kelley. 2020. Eremocarya. P. 404 in T. J. Stephen C. Meyers, Katie E. Mitchell, Tanya Harvey & Linda K. Hardison (ed.), Flora of Oregon. Volume 2: Dicots A-F. Brit Press, Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Fort Worth, Texas.
- Simpson, M. G. and R. B. Kelley. 2020. Greeneocharis. Pp. 405–406 in T. J. Stephen C. Meyers, Katie E. Mitchell, Tanya Harvey & Linda K. Hardison (ed.), Flora of Oregon. Volume 2: Dicots A-F. Brit Press, Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Fort Worth, Texas.
- Simpson, M. G., J. Stephens, and S. Yang. 2020. Noteworthy Collections: Johnstonella angelica (I.M.Johnston) Hasenstab & M.G.Simpson.
- Yost, J. M., K. D. Pearson, J. Alexander, E. Gilbert, L. A. Hains, T. Barry, R. Bencie, P. Bowler, B. Carter, R. E. Crowe, E. Dean, J. Der, A. Fisher, K. Fisher, L. Flores-Renteria, C. M. Guilliams, C. Hatfield, L. Hendrickson, T. Huggins, L. Janeway, C. Lay, A. Litt, S. Markos, S. J. Mazer, D. Mccamish, L. Mcdade, M. Mesler, B. Mishler, M. Nazaire, J. Rebman, L. Rosengreen, P. W. Rundel, D. Potter, A. Sanders, K. C. Seltmann, M. G. Simpson, G. A. Wahlert, K. Waselkov, K. Williams, and P. S. Wilson. 2020. The California Phenology Collections Network: Using digital images to investigate phenological change in a biodiversity hotspot.
- Benet-Pierce, N. and M. G. Simpson. 2019. The taxonomy of Chenopodium hians, C. incognitum, and ten new taxa within the narrow-leaved Chenopodium group in western North America, with special attention to California.
- Simpson, Michael G. 2019. Plant Systematics, 3rd edition. Elsevier-Academic Press
- Simpson, M. G., M. E. Mabry, and K. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2019. Transfer of four species of Cryptantha to the genus Johnstonella (Boraginaceae).
- Mabry, M. E.* and M. G. Simpson. 2018. Evaluating the monophyly and biogeography of Cryptantha (Boraginaceae).
- Mendoza-Díaz, N., H. Flores-Olvera, M. G. Simpson, and M. J. Moore. 2018. A new and unusual endemic species from the Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico: Antiphytum geoffreyi (Boraginaceae, Echiochiloideae)
- Aerne-Hains, L.* and M. G. Simpson. 2017. Vegetative anatomy of the Haemodoraceae and its phylogenetic significance.
- Benet-Pierce, N. and M. G. Simpson. 2017. Taxonomic recovery of the species in the Chenopodium neomexicanum complex and description of Chenopodium sonorense sp. nov. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 144: 339-356.
- Guilliams, M. C.*, K. Hasenstab-Lehman*, M. Mabry* and M. G. Simpson. 2017. Memoirs of a frequent flier: Phylogenomics reveals 18 long-distance dispersals between North America and South America in the popcorn flowers (Amsinckiinae, Boraginaceae).
- Simpson, M. G., C. M. Guilliams*, K. E. Hasenstab-Lehman*, M. E. Mabry*, and L. Ripma*. 2017. Phylogeny of the popcorn flowers: Use of genome skimming to evaluate monophyly and interrelationships in subtribe Amsinckiinae (Boraginaceae).
- Simpson, M. G., L. A. Johnson and C. M. Guilliams*. 2017. Patterns and processes of American amphitropical disjunctions: New insights.
- Simpson, M. G., L. A. Johnson, T. Villaverde and C. M. Guilliams*. 2017. American Amphitropical Disjuncts: Perspectives from vascular plant analyses and prospects for future research. American Journal of Botany 104: 1600-1650.
- Simpson, M. G. and R. B. Kelley. 2017. Cryptantha nevadensis var. rigida elevated to species with a new name, C. juniperensis.
- Chacón, J., F. Luebert, H. H. Hilger, S. Ovcinnikova, F. Selvi, L. Cecchi, C. M. Guilliams*, K. Hasenstab-Lehman*, K. Sutorý, M. G. Simpson, and M. Weigend. 2016. The borage family (Boraginaceae s.str.): A revised infrafamilial classification based on new phylogenetic evidence, with emphasis on the placement of some enigmatic genera.
- Luebert, F., L. Cecchi, M. W. Frohlich, M. Gottschling, C. M. Guilliams*, H. H. Hilger, K. E. Hasenstab-Lehman*, J. S. Miller, M. Mittelbach, M. Nazaire, M. Nepi, D. Nocentini, D. Ober, R. G. Olmstead, F. Selvi, M. G. Simpson, K. Sutorý, B. Valdés, G. K. Walden, and M. Weigend (Boraginales Working Group). 2016. Familial classification of the Boraginales.
- Mabry, M. E.*, R. A. Dowdy*, L. M. Simpson, J. P. Rebman, and M. G. Simpson. 2016. Taxonomy of the winged popcorn flower: Cryptantha pterocarya (Boraginaceae).
- McCabe, S. W., M. W. Dodero, and M. G. Simpson. 2016. Dudleya hendrixii: A new, rare species from Colonet Mesa, Baja California.
- Simpson, M. G., L. M. Simpson, and J. P. Rebman. 2016. A new, large-flowered variety of Eremocarya micrantha (Boraginaceae).
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